I have been on a complete purging rampage in our house lately.
Considering I’ve been in the process of hardcore decluttering our possessions for about a year now, I have been completely shocked by how much stuff still left that we never use.
It all just keeps getting shoved into closets or my office (doesn’t everyone have a signature room where they hide crap when guests come over?).
And I am sick of it.
We are by no means hoarders, but I feel like going through this process of simplifying our possessions, our home, and our lives in general this past year has been really eye-opening to me. I now want to simplify even more than we already have.
While I have no desire to live in a 234 square foot tiny home with kids, I’m just so tired of the excess that exists in our current home.
I feel like I’m constantly picking things up or organizing… and spending precious weekend time doing so.
And wondering why the hell my child has 1,289 stuffed animals when just a few will do.
Or how I’ve managed to accumulate boxes upon boxes of Christmas and Halloween decor in the three short years we’ve lived in this house. Most of which I’m not even completely in love with!
I’ve been slowly but surely getting rid of the excess, and feel myself getting lighter and more free with each box that hits the donation pile. I wouldn’t consider myself a minimalist, but I’m striving to live my own version of simplicity in a way that fits my family in this season of our life.
Today I wanted to share a few huge benefits I’ve discovered lately in owning less stuff. I hope this inspires you if you are seeking out some motivation to pare down your own possessions!
11 reasons to own less stuff:
1. You’ll spend less
Once you make the conscious decision to own less stuff, you automatically stop seeking out new stuff to bring into your home. It’s just a given. And by desiring to bring less stuff in, you will be spending less as well. A huge benefit!
2. You will be a great example to your children that happiness doesn’t come from consumption
I think that too many kids these days value their possessions a little bit too much. Heck, even we adults value possessions too much! While I think that consumption to a certain point is inevitable and can make for a more comfortable and fun life, I certainly don’t want my daughter to think that her happiness level is based on the amount of Barbies she owns. Probably a shallow example, but I think you get the point.
3. You can afford higher quality items
When you purchase less things, you can afford to purchase more high quality items. Things like quality clothing and bedding last much longer than their cheap counter parts and is a great way to save yourself money over the long run.
4. You’ll have more time
You’ll be spending less time tidying up, organizing, and maintaining your things. This will leave you with more time to do the things you actually want to be doing. Sounds pretty great, right?
5. You’ll have more freedom
You’ll have a sense of freedom when you no longer feel like your stuff owns you (because let’s face it, to a certain extent it does). And also freedom from comparing your stuff to what others have. Simply because you just won’t care anymore!
6. You’ll stop living in the past
Allowing yourself to get rid of the guilt or baggage that accompanies certain items can be really refreshing. Perhaps it was a gift given to you that you were never really in love with, or something that you inherited from a family member who passed away. Donating or selling those items doesn’t mean that you didn’t appreciate the thought behind the gift or that you are going to forget that family member. If an item isn’t serving your current needs or isn’t something you completely love, it’s okay to get rid of it. You don’t have to feel guilty or hang onto something just because you feel obligated to.
7. You’ll be less likely to lose things
Having less stuff is so convenient, and is something I discovered when I decluttered our kitchen cabinets and drawers about a year ago. We had so many duplicates of measuring cups and even tupperware with missing lids. We basically had a lot of extra kitchen tools that just weren’t necessary, so I got rid of them. I haven’t missed anything we got rid of, and find that I’m able to enjoy the process of cooking and baking more now that I’m not constantly rifling through the cabinets trying to find what I need. It also takes a lot less time to put everything away!
8. You will cherish what you do have
I think it’s only natural that when you have less, you appreciate what you do have even more. You’re more likely to properly care for and maintain things like your shoes and clothing when you don’t have as much of it to worry about.
9. You’ll have less stress
With less stuff, comes a lot less stress. I feel my stress lessening more and more as we continue to donate the unnecessary, and it really feels fantastic! I am someone who gets stressed out pretty easily, so this was a big benefit to me. I am not someone that can throw a box into a storage room and then completely forget about it. I feel uneasy where there are things in our home that we no longer use, typically accompanied by some guilt-induced stress knowing that we own things we aren’t even using. Especially when others could benefit from these things a lot more than we could.
10. You’ll have more flexibility
Having less stuff around your home really opens you up for the ability to be more flexible. It is easier to have last minute guests when you don’t have as much stuff to put away or dust before they come over. And easier to enjoy a Saturday afternoon out and about when you don’t have as much cleaning and maintenance required at home.
11. You’ll feel more energized
Just dealing with so much stuff makes me feel exhausted. It’s liberating not only getting rid of things we no longer need, but also completely energizing since I no longer have to worry or care for those items.
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Other great resources to help you simplify your life:
- The Paperless Home
- Dress with Less and Create Your Capsule Wardrobe
What reason(s) to own less stuff resonate with you the most?
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